The speaker unveiled Monday is similar to devices from rivals, some of which have been on the market for years. Like the Amazon Echo and Google Home, Apple HomePod speaker will play music while also helping people to manage their lives and homes. Siri will be voice activated to respond to requests for information and other help around the house. Just knew I had to do something to see if I could help at all. Bernard, of Cape Breton Waycobah First Nation, was also honoured Wednesday along with his lifelong best friend Liam Bernard for their actions following a horrific crash on Highway 105 near Melford in September of last year.Bernard, now 38, said the pair were on their way to Halifax that morning when they pulled up to what he describes as a chaotic scene. Said a woman driving an SUV had been killed, while two people in a nearby truck were pretty loud for help. cheap nfl jerseys We've discussed the player safety era, rule changes that are moving at an alarming pace, and the ex...